P-aminophenol sharpness-enhancing film developer
Silberra RDN-LQ developer is a concentrated single-solution (one-shot) sharpness-enhancing film developer that works fine with most classical black-and-white panchromatic emulsions. Silberra RDN-LQ developer is a worthy replacement for classic AGFA developers. Very low concentration of alkali and developing agent in this developer increases contour sharpness of the print. It is also effective while working with thin layer emulsions.
Chemical Composition
Potassium metabisulfite, n-aminophenol, sodium hydroxide, potassium bromide, distilled water.
Preparing Stock Developer (mixing instructions)
Working solution is prepared by infusing the concentrate into distilled water, while actively stirring (use glass stick or special plastic stirring stick for chemicals). Dilute the concentrate of Silberra RDN-LQ to a ratio of 1:25 or, to controle the results better, 1:50.
Development Times
Average development time for photo films at stock dilution (1+25) is 6-7 minutes, and 10-12 minutes when diluted to a ratio of 1:50.
Optimal times to process specific films are stated either by manufacturer of the film or can be learned from the table of developing times at the foot of this page.
Usage Limits
Silberra RDN-LQ Developer working solution's effective usage limit is 3x135 type films per 1 litre. To process 1 film you should dilute at least 10 ml of the concentrate and use not less than 300 ml of the solution.
Silberra RDN-LQ stock developer is one-shot non-reusable developer and must be used within 1 hour after preparation.
Side Effects
SIlberra RDN-LQ Developer is not suitable for push and pull processing; it is not recommended to use this developer for films with expiring or expired date.
Keep Silberra RDN-LQ Developer in a cool, dry and dark place. Keep away from children. All the solutions must be stored in tightly sealed bottles, with low internal air volume.
Expiry Date / Shelf Life
Concentrated Silberra RDN-LQ Developer may be stored in original sealed bottle for up to 24 months. Please note that Silberra RDN-LQ working solution is non-reusable and must be used within 1 hour after preparation.
Disposal Regulations
Silberra developers and fixers must be disposed of in accordance with the rules and regulations of the country they are used in. Concentrated developers could be toxic and may harm the environment unless disposed in appropriate manner. Silberra recommends to use special disposal services provided by correspondingly licensed organizations which are eligible for photographic chemistry recycling/disposal.
Development Times Table
Developer | Film | Working solution | ASA/ISO | Time, minutes | Temperature/th> |
RDN-LQ | Adox Silvermax | 1+25 | 100 | 8 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Adox Silvermax | 1+50 | 100 | 12 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Adox CHS 25 | 1+25 | 25 | 4 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Adox CHS 25 | 1+50 | 25 | 8 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Adox CHS 100 | 1+25 | 100 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Adox CHS 100 | 1+50 | 100 | 10 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Adox CHM 400 | 1+25 | 400 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Adox CHM 400 | 1+50 | 400 | 11 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | AgfaPhoto APX 100 | 1+25 | 100 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | AgfaPhoto APX 100 | 1+50 | 100 | 10 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | AgfaPhoto APX 400 | 1+25 | 400 | 12 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | AgfaPhoto APX 400 | 1+50 | 400 | 21 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Arista EDU Ultra 100 | 1+25 | 100 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Arista EDU Ultra 100 | 1+50 | 100 | 8 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Arista EDU Ultra 200 | 1+25 | 200 | 5 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Arista EDU Ultra 200 | 1+50 | 200 | 9 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Arista EDU Ultra 400 | 1+25 | 400 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Arista EDU Ultra 400 | 1+50 | 400 | 11 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Aviphot APX 400 S | 1+25 | 400 | 7 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Aviphot APX 400 S | 1+50 | 400 | 11 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Aviphot ASP 400 S | 1+50 | 200 | 11 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Bergger Pancro 400 | 1+25 | 400 | 8 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Bergger Pancro 400 | 1+50 | 400 | 22 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Foma Retropan 320 | 1+50 | 320 | 11 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Fomapan 100 | 1+25 | 100 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Fomapan 100 | 1+50 | 100 | 9 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Fomapan 200 | 1+25 | 200 | 7 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Fomapan 200 | 1+50 | 200 | 11 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Fomapan 400 | 1+25 | 400 | 8 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Fomapan 400 | 1+50 | 400 | 12 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Fuji Neopan 100 Acros | 1+25 | 100 | 7 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Fuji Neopan 100 Acros | 1+50 | 100 | 9 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Fuji Neopan 400 | 1+25 | 400 | 8 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Fuji Neopan 400 | 1+50 | 400 | 11 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford Delta 100 Pro | 1+25 | 100 | 9 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford Delta 100 Pro | 1+50 | 100 | 14 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford Delta 3200 Pro | 1+25 | 3200 | 11 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford Delta 400 Pro | 1+25 | 400 | 9 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford Delta 400 Pro | 1+50 | 400 | 20 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford FP4+ | 1+25 | 125 | 9 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford FP4+ | 1+50 | 125 | 15 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford HP5+ | 1+25 | 100 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford HP5+ | 1+50 | 100 | 9 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford Pan F+ | 1+25 | 50 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford Pan F+ | 1+50 | 50 | 11 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford XP2 Super | 1+25 | 400 | 18 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford Pan 100 | 1+25 | 100 | 9 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford Pan 100 | 1+50 | 100 | 15 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford SFX 200 | 1+25 | 200 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford SFX 200 | 1+50 | 200 | 10 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford Pan 400 | 1+25 | 400 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Ilford Pan 400 | 1+50 | 400 | 11 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | JCH StreetPan 400 | 1+25 | 400 | 10 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | JCH StreetPan 400 | 1+50 | 400 | 22 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Kentmere 100 | 1+50 | 100 | 15 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Kentmere 400 | 1+25 | 400 | 9 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Kentmere 400 | 1+50 | 400 | 20 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Kodak TMax 100 | 1+50 | 50 | 10 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Kodak TMax 100 | 1+25 | 100 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Kodak TMax 400 | 1+25 | 400 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Kodak TMax 400 | 1+50 | 400 | 12 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Kodak Tri-X 400 | 1+25 | 400 | 7 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Kodak Tri-X 400 | 1+50 | 400 | 13 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei Ortho 25 | 1+25 | 25 | 4 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei Ortho 25 | 1+50 | 25 | 6 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei Retro 80S | 1+25 | 80 | 8 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei Retro 80S | 1+50 | 80 | 14 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei Retro 100 | 1+50 | 100 | 13 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei RPX 100 | 1+25 | 100 | 9 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei RPX 100 | 1+50 | 100 | 18 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei Superpan 200 | 1+25 | 200 | 8 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei Superpan 200 | 1+50 | 200 | 17 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei Retro 400S | 1+25 | 400 | 10 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei Retro 400S | 1+50 | 400 | 22 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei RPX 400 | 1+25 | 400 | 12 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Rollei RPX 400 | 1+50 | 400 | 21 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Washi - A | 1+50 | 12 | 13 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Washi - D | 1+50 | 500 | 11 | 20C |
RDN-LQ | Washi - Z | 1+25 | 400 | 7 | 20C |